Section 1: An Intro To Your Wonderful New Website

Welcome to your exciting website, where you, the Editor, have the power to shape your digital space. Let’s explore the basics of how it all works.

As you explore these areas, remember that each section is a valuable part of your website experience. Mastering the basics will empower you to create a fantastic website that truly reflects your vision.



Section 2: The Dashboard

Now we’ll drill down a little into the backend and show you how to use each part.

The Dashboard is your central hub for everything happening on your site. To access it, simply log in to your WordPress admin area and you’ll land on the Dashboard by default. Here’s a quick rundown on how to make the most of this essential tool:



Section 3: Posts

Posts (blog articles) are the lifeblood of your website, and managing them is easier than you think. Here’s how to create, edit, and manage your posts like a pro:


Section 4: Media

Your Media Library is a crucial part of your website, and keeping it organized is a breeze. Here’s what you need to know:


Section 5: Pages

Pages are the pillars of your website, providing essential information and defining its structure. Here’s how to create and manage them:


Section 6: Comments

Managing comments is key to fostering a positive, engaging atmosphere on your site. Here’s how to handle comments like a champ:


Section 7: WP Bakery: The Ultimate Page Builder for Your Site

WP Bakery is a powerful and user-friendly page builder that allows you to design and customize your website effortlessly. With its intuitive interface and a plethora of built-in elements, creating and editing pages has never been easier. WP Bakery can be used both on the front end and back end of your website:


The Dashboard is where you get an overview of your site, recent activity, and updates. It’s like the control center for your digital universe, keeping you informed about everything happening in your domain. Check in regularly to stay up-to-date on the pulse of your site.


Posts are the core of your content. Here, you can create, edit, or manage blog posts to your heart’s content. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts, ideas, or latest news with your audience. Think of it as a blank canvas waiting for your creative touch.


The Media Library is where you can upload, store, and manage all of your images, documents, and other files. It’s like a virtual storage room, where you can keep everything organized and easily accessible. Remember to keep your files neatly organized in folders for a smooth and efficient editing experience.


Pages form the backbone of your website’s structure. Unlike posts, they’re meant for static content like your “About” or “Contact” pages. Use this section to create, edit, and manage the pages that define your site’s identity and provide essential information to your visitors.


Comments are where you can manage and moderate the discussions happening on your site. Engage with your audience, respond to feedback, or deal with spam – it’s all part of the digital dialogue. Keep the conversation flowing and maintain a positive, welcoming atmosphere for your visitors.


Keep an eye on the updates section to stay informed about new features, bug fixes, and security updates. Regularly updating your WordPress version, themes, and plugins ensures your site runs smoothly and securely.

Site Health:

This handy feature gives you an overview of your site’s performance and security. It identifies any potential issues and offers suggestions for improvement. Make it a habit to check your Site Health periodically to maintain optimal performance.

Quick Draft:

Have a sudden burst of inspiration? Jot down your thoughts in the Quick Draft section. Save it for later or publish it as a blog post.


The Activity section displays a summary of your recent posts, comments, and other site activities. It’s like a highlight reel of your digital journey.

WordPress Events and News:

Stay in the loop with the latest WordPress events, webinars, and news. This section keeps you informed about upcoming happenings in the WordPress community.

Adding a New Post:

To create a new post, navigate to “Posts” in the left-hand menu, then click “Add New.” You’ll be directed to the post editor, where you can enter your title, content, and other details.

Editing an Existing Post:

To edit a post, go to “Posts” in the left-hand menu and click “All Posts.” Locate the post you want to edit and click on its title or the “Edit” link below it. Make your changes in the post editor and hit “Update” to save.

Deleting a Post:

To delete a post, go to “Posts” > “All Posts,” hover over the post you want to remove, and click “Trash.” To permanently delete the post, go to the “Trash” tab, hover over the post, and click “Delete Permanently.”

Duplicating a Post:

Some plugins allow you to duplicate posts. If you have one installed, go to “Posts” > “All Posts,” hover over the post you want to copy, and click “Clone” or “Duplicate,” depending on the plugin.

Adding Images:

To add an image to a post, click the “Add Media” button in the post editor. Upload a new image or choose an existing one from your Media Library. Set the image alignment, size, and other properties, then click “Insert into Post.”

Uploading Files:

To add new files, go to “Media” > “Add New” in the left-hand menu. You can either drag-and-drop files or click “Select Files” to browse your computer.

Editing Images:

To delete a file, go to “Media” > “Library,” hover over the file you want to remove, and click “Delete Permanently.” Keep in mind that once a file is deleted, it cannot be recovered, so be sure you no longer need it before taking this step.

Deleting Files:

Some plugins allow you to create folders or categories within your Media Library. If you have one installed, use it to sort your files into logical groups, making them easier to locate and manage in the future.

Organizing Files:

To quickly find a specific file, use the search bar at the top of the Media Library page. Type in a keyword or file name, and the results will display instantly.

Searching Files:

To create a new page, go to “Pages” in the left-hand menu and click “Add New.” You’ll be directed to the page editor, where you can enter your title, content, and other details.

Adding a New Page:

To edit a page, go to “Pages” in the left-hand menu and click “All Pages.” Locate the page you want to edit and click on its title or the “Edit” link below it. Make your changes in the page editor and hit “Update” to save.

Editing an Existing Page:

To delete a page, go to “Pages” > “All Pages,” hover over the page you want to remove, and click “Trash.” To permanently delete the page, go to the “Trash” tab, hover over the page, and click “Delete Permanently.”

Duplicating a Page:

To delete a page, go to “Pages” > “All Pages,” hover over the page you want to remove, and click “Trash.” To permanently delete the page, go to the “Trash” tab, hover over the page, and click “Delete Permanently.”

Deleting a Page:

To delete a page, go to “Pages” > “All Pages,” hover over the page you want to remove, and click “Trash.” To permanently delete the page, go to the “Trash” tab, hover over the page, and click “Delete Permanently.”

Setting a Static Front Page:

If you want a specific page to serve as your site’s homepage, go to “Settings” > “Reading” in the left-hand menu. Select “A static page” and choose the desired page from the dropdown menu.

Moderating Comments:

If you want a specific page to serve as your site’s homepage, go to “Settings” > “Reading” in the left-hand menu. Select “A static page” and choose the desired page from the dropdown menu.

Editing Comments:

If you want a specific page to serve as your site’s homepage, go to “Settings” > “Reading” in the left-hand menu. Select “A static page” and choose the desired page from the dropdown menu.

Deleting Comments:

If you want a specific page to serve as your site’s homepage, go to “Settings” > “Reading” in the left-hand menu. Select “A static page” and choose the desired page from the dropdown menu.

Managing Comment Settings:

If you want a specific page to serve as your site’s homepage, go to “Settings” > “Reading” in the left-hand menu. Select “A static page” and choose the desired page from the dropdown menu.

Managing Comment Settings:

If you want a specific page to serve as your site’s homepage, go to “Settings” > “Reading” in the left-hand menu. Select “A static page” and choose the desired page from the dropdown menu.

Front End Editing:

This means editing your site directly on the live page, allowing you to see changes in real-time. It’s a more visual approach that makes it easier to envision the final result.

Back End Editing:

This refers to editing your site within the WordPress admin area. While it may not be as visually appealing as front-end editing, it still offers a powerful and flexible way to build your pages.

Editing Your Site with WP Bakery

To edit existing text or images on your site using WP Bakery, simply click the pencil icon (edit button) on the specific element you want to modify. This will open a new window where you can edit the content, update the image, or adjust the settings as needed. Once you’re done, click “Save changes” to apply your updates.


The row element is the foundation of your page layout. It allows you to create sections and define the structure of your content. You can choose from various row layouts, customize the row settings, and even create nested rows for more advanced designs.

Editing Your Site with WP Bakery

To edit existing text or images on your site using WP Bakery, simply click the pencil icon (edit button) on the specific element you want to modify. This will open a new window where you can edit the content, update the image, or adjust the settings as needed. Once you’re done, click “Save changes” to apply your updates.

Text Block:

The text block element is where you can add and edit text content, apply formatting, and insert links. Use it to create headings, paragraphs, lists, and more.

Editing Your Site with WP Bakery

To edit existing text or images on your site using WP Bakery, simply click the pencil icon (edit button) on the specific element you want to modify. This will open a new window where you can edit the content, update the image, or adjust the settings as needed. Once you’re done, click “Save changes” to apply your updates.

Single Image:

The single image element lets you add and customize images on your page. You can choose an image from your Media Library or upload a new one, and then adjust the size, alignment, and other properties.

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© 2024. Art Waiter. All rights reserved.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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